20 OUT OF 20!!

June 21st, 2012

"...Remarkable recording technique..." (ref. Sven Kerkhoff/

Two wonderful reviews just appeared on, and specific praise in them on NORTHSTAR's recording quality as well. One of them even scores 20 out of 20 points!

On the recording of Händels Concerti Grossi with Al Ayre Español: "...a with plasticity, wonderful layered and juicy sound image..."
On the recording of Graupners Chalumeaux concerti with Ars Antiqua Austria: " can speak of 3 successful experiments in this recording: Graupners art, Letzbors interpretation and Bert van der Wolfs splendid producing and recording work!..."

You can find these articles here

Altomonte Hall in St. Florian
Recording Ars Antiqua Austria